February 18, 2025
Why are candidates tested for Quantitative Aptitude

Quantitative Aptitude evaluates numerical ability and problem-solving skills. This subject is being the main part of many numbers of exams such as XAT, CAT, MAT, GMAT etc. Many use quantitative aptitude for their recruitment process.


Business has an embodiment of thinks to achieve say profits, regulations, competitors, employees and so on. A management executive struggles with huge challenges every minute. A major part of the work requires finding an exact solution to deal with any kind of problems. It is not possible to do by everyone. The person who has Quantitative aptitude knowledge will have a knack for finding solutions to the problems. That’s why Quantitative aptitude is examined in various competitive exams.


The subject quantitative aptitude ensures one’s accuracy level. An error in any calculation may lead to major loses. Hence Quantitative aptitude questions play a major role in most of the competitive exams. Exams like NMAT, IIFT, CAT and other MBA entrances focus more weightage on the Quantitative aptitude of a candidate, as the nature of their job profile demands certain knowledge in numerical ability.


It is not necessary that everyone will be good in numbers. However, number plays as a backbone in general and commercial values. Profit and loss calculations, balance sheets, analysis on investment require the individual to be compact with the numbers as the person will have to deal with all variants of numerical data regularly. So, Quantitative aptitude is being the pre-requisite of all MBA courses.

Tips to prepare for Quantitative Aptitude

Concentrate on fundamentals: The basic concepts of the topics should be very clear. If you are feeling tough with a particular paper, just take guidance from your faculty. Do not skip any topic, even if you conclude anything unimportantly because the questions may arise from anywhere else. Revise the concepts whenever possible.

Look out with a systematic approach: First, solve the topic wise question and attempt the entire set of question paper. Using some conventional methods, one can start solving the problems initially. Then, try to find out shortcuts to improve your calculating speed.

Try to know different types of questions: The quantitative aptitude question will be obviously in a confusing manner or quite twisted instead of being straightforward. Try to practice in different models and previous year question papers so that you can get different ideas about the nature of questions.

Negative marking: Most of the exams follow negative marking, so please do not do guesswork to all question which will make to lose the score. If possible try to eliminate more incorrect option to pick the right one.

Take a glance before solving: Give a quick glance on the exam paper. First, try to solve the comfortable questions that you can do fast without taking more time and move on to the remaining paper. Finally, attend the tougher questions you feel as.

Time is core: Do not stick in a single question if you are unable to solve it. You must watch the time and move to the solvable question. When the time permits try to do the skipped one. However, try to avoid guesswork.