January 17, 2025
In-Depth Knowledge About the Two Major Categories of Flame Arrestor

There are two major categories of a flame arrestor, and these are In-line Flame Arresters or Deflagration and Detonation Flame Arresters, and End-of-Line or Vent-to-Atmosphere Flame Arrester. This article will give you knowledge about their applications and the things to consider when selecting them.

1. In-line Flame Arresters, also called Deflagration and Detonation Flame Arresters.

Deflagration means combustion, and detonation means explosion. These are installed in pipes to keep fLames from passing through.

The applications of most in-line flame arrestor are in systems which gather gases released by solids and liquids. These systems are regularly utilized in numerous industries that may be called vapor control systems. The gases which are controlled via vapor control systems or vented to the atmosphere are generally combustible. If the conditions are to the extent that ignition takes place, a fire outside or inside of the system could result in the possibility to do disastrous damage.

There are 2 types of Vapor control systems used in in-line flame arresters.

  • Vapor destruction systems. It includes enclosed flare systems, aerial flare systems, waste gas boilers, and burner and catalytic incineration system
  • Vapor recovery systems. It includes refrigeration, vapor balancing, absorption, adsorption, and compression systems.

flame arrestor

Selecting In-line Flame Arresters 

Things happen quickly and can turn disastrous. This heightened the challenge of providing flame arrester products to cease the flame and resist the pressures caused by explosions within the confined piping. Inhibited flames can be hazardous for a process system due to immense energy related to detonation pressure and flame velocity.

This behavior of the flames causes problems for flame arrester products

First, the high-pressure deflagration and stable detonation states have stable energy of burning, and the fire is moving extremely rapid. In this manner, the arrester must have the option to retain the fire’s warmth a lot quicker than is required by standard low-to-medium-pressure deflagration conditions.

Second, the prompt impulse pressures brought about by the shock waves of overused detonation subject the arrester to powers of up to 20995 kPa(g) (3000 psig). Accordingly, the arrester must be fundamentally better than standard low-pressure deflagration arresters.

2. End-of-Line or Vent-to-Atmosphere Flame Arrester

End of line or vent-to-environment fire arresters are intended to secure against atmospheric deflagration where the source of ignition begins outside of the system.

They are used in petroleum storage tank vents.

This is used to prevent fire in the atmosphere from entering an enclosure, for example, in the refinery.

Selecting End-of-Line Flame Arresters 

The primary concerns when choosing an arrester for end-of-line applications are as per the following:

  • Dangerous group categorization or MESG estimation of the gas
  • Gas temperature Process
  • Performance characteristics of the arrester in stabilizing flame compared to the system potential for flame stabilization for lengthy period
  • The materials of construction that meet the environment setting and procedure conditions
  • Pressure drop over the arrester during venting flow conditions, comparative with the system’s most extreme admissible pressure and vacuum
  • Connection type and pipe size
  • Requirements in Instrumentation