January 17, 2025
choose a good quality and useful bag

Bags that are too big, small, heavy, that hurt our shoulders, that nothing fits, that break easily, that have pockets that are not the correct size, that only serve for special occasions… How to choose the correct Dior Bags? One of quality that has utility, and is not bad?

The bags are wonderful:

Who doesn’t love handbags? They not only serve to carry our things, but they even help us to look fantastic when we wear them. Surely you have a lot of bags, because the truth is that at the moment of truth, it is difficult to find one that is not crap.

It often happens that, although they may be beautiful to look at, we end up discovering that they are not useful or ergonomic. And to make things more frustrating, it also happens the other way around: that the most useful and comfortable are the ugliest. Knowing this, it is not surprising that each woman has an average of 21 bags per household, buying each other every few months. And of course, taking into account that there are bags that cost an arm and a leg, it would not hurt to be clear if the bag really deserves the investment, or not.

So, if you are tired of throwing money into bags that take up space in your closet because at the moment of truth you never use them, here are a series of tips to distinguish right away which bags are crap and do not deserve the investment:

buying your bag

Consider the purpose of your new bag:

The first thing you need to be clear about how and when you plan to use your bag. What will you take inside? What are you going to combine it with? How do you plan to take it? Before looking at designs and stores, be clear about what you want. Depending on the type of activity you have, you can have different bags that suit you.

Consider if you are going to be carrying it all day, just a few minutes, the amount of things you need to bring, the style of the event or if it is for daily use, etc. Before you go shopping, spend some time thinking about what you really need because if not, when you see a designer bag that is attractive to you, you will easily justify it with a “I need this bag for that new dress that I bought a long time ago” and Thus, after a little use, it will end up being another bag in the back of your closet.

Be clear before buying your bag:

There are many other things to take into account, but try to be clear in advance what looks good and what does not, what is useful and what is not, and what you are going to buy and what not (no matter how beautiful and lowered that is). Always try it in front of a mirror and be honest with yourself, looking at luxury e store and how it looks and not just the bag itself. If you get to try it, it is because you like it and it attracts the bag; you already know that: what you need to know for sure is if it really favors you globally.

How to distinguish which are the bad bags:

We want the bags to last a long time, fit us well, and be comfortable. Our favorite bags usually last a couple of years, it is difficult to find them, but with these tips you will know which bags you have to avoid: