March 3, 2025
Car Transmissions

Transmissions are one of the most vital components of the drivetrain of any vehicle. Earlier the transmissions used to be manual, but with the recent technological advancements, most of the modern vehicles are using automatic transmissions that are set with different speeds.

Though transmission problems are not that common to be seen like other vehicle components, one shouldn’t take it for granted, that it will stay healthy as long as your vehicle lives. To put it in different words, like any other mechanisms, even the transmissions of the vehicle drivetrain can face troubles and need a repair. Since less is talked about the transmission issues, we felt like discussing them out for the benefit of the new car owners.

It is from the team of Fort Irwin transmission repair center that we gathered all these facts on transmission repair that we are sharing with you.

What Cause Transmission Problems

Transmission problems in vehicles can spring up mostly from the damages happened to other components of the drivetrain. In most cases leakage caused to the major components like the internal clutch, the torque converter, or the solenoid lead to transmission problems. Sometimes mechanical problems occurred in other parts of the drive train can also make the transmission suffer.

LowerLevel of Transmission Fluid or Leakages

Quite alike the engine, the transmission of your vehicle needs to have a certain amount of fuel particularly made for the transmission alone, to avoid unnecessary friction among its running parts. This fluid help in lubricating all those parts that work in tune with each other. But over the time, leakage can occur in its fuel tank, lowering the level of fluid that results into harsh friction between the transmission components, causing damage to each other.

To avoid such incidents and hazards, it is recommended to keep a close check on the transmission fluid, in regular intervals, and keep refillingit, if the fluid gets contaminated or lie lower than the recommendedlevel. To prevent leakage refasten and tighten up all the parts of the transmission once the refilling is done. It goes without saying that you also need to check all those parts from where the fluid can leak, check for any sign of damage or wear in the fluid lines, in the transmission pan gaskets, also check for poorly placed bolts and seals especially on the transmission pan.

Torque Converter

Issue with the Torque Converter

The torque converter is meant to survive any damage caused to its needle bearings, but when it does, you’ll get to hear an odd grinding sound especially when you put the car in gear. To check if the torque converter is doing fine, check it while changing the transmission fluid.

Leakage in the Solenoid

The solenoid determines the flow rate of the transmission fluid. Do not forget to check for any leakage caused to the solenoid, if your car transmission is not being able to change the gears smoothly.

Jammed Clutch

The clutch can get jammed up, making the gears act sluggish during each shift. In a case of jammed clutch your car will also start shaking and the engine can get overheated.

The expert team of the department of transmission repair Fort Irwin concluded, that for each of these issues, one must take the help of a professional hand.