March 3, 2025

Only a few in this world will not wonder at the sight of a balloon.  From kids to elders, no one can resist cheering a balloon.  And that too in a giant size would be sure not to miss for anyone to look up.  Maybe this is the basis for the rapid increase of advertising through inflated balloons worldwide.

Larger than life inflatable advertising

From Fortune 500/1000 companies to local events, inflatable advertising with larger than life images up in the sky are the favourites.  The significant benefits of using them are due to their versatility, attractiveness, and are inexpensive.  For any event or promotion, these inflated images from bottles to images of famous figures are the star attraction to promote the products.

Types of inflatable advertising

Gone are the days when inflatable advertising was only for amusement parks, theme parks, social events, etc.  Now the significant chunk of their market share, which is rapidly growing worldwide, constitutes commercial companies.  Also, there are many types of inflatable advertising now available for various purposes.

Cold air inflatable

The most common type of inflatable advertising is cold air inflatable. Being the most durable and customisable than all other types it is the best type of inflatable to opt for at any business event.  This type enables complex design and shapes of products for fast reach to the people.  It stays up even in unfavourable weather conditions, air pressure, and also safe from small holes or punctures. Since manufactured with heavyweight vinyl-coated nylon, there is an increase in durability.

Helium inflatable advertising

Helium-filled balloons are the best choice for advertisements to float as high as 150 feet above the ground.  They come with helium-filled hot air balloons, as spheres for welcoming the guests, as blimps for better advertising and in many shapes.  But their durability is the big problem and is mostly used for promotions and events.

Sealed air inflatable

For inflatable advertising without the need for power, then the sealed air inflatable is the right choice.  But they are less customisable and expensive than the other types.

POP inflatable

POP or point of purchase inflatable is usually between 2′ to 6′ tall and most used for in-store display or a giveaway type promotion.

There are many other types of inflatable advertising like the customisable 3D inflatable. Hence as per the need, the customers can opt for the best type of inflatable.