March 3, 2025

Having an optimized and well-studied editorial calendar is the key part of our content marketing strategy for our website or blog, don’t you know what I’m talking about?

Still don’t have one? Visit “Digitalmarketing” to know about editorial calendar or join “SEO Communities” for it.

Do you know how to create it? Consult “SEO Companies Dubai” to get useful steps to create an editorial calendar or visit “SEO Services”.

In this post you will know how to prepare and plan our publications, through a perfect editorial calendar, to achieve the greatest impact on the audience and benefit for our company, because content is still king!

Success rarely comes to the clueless or the improviser! Whatever our business sector, or niche on the Internet, planning marketing and advertising strategies is will help us to sell our brand and retain customers.

But how is it well planned? Consult “Best SEO Expert” to get some useful tips about efficient planning to retain customers.

For starters, we have to be aware that content is what sells , what catches and what will make us conquer our public and web search engines.

Therefore, it is not about publishing on our Blog just “just for the sake of it”.

But rather being strategic and meticulous with the content we choose, and this is precisely what we are going to see today: how to create an effective editorial calendar with which let’s achieve planned and tangible results.

If we have been spending money on campaigns based on content marketing for a long time without achieving positive and expected results, one of the possible causes of this is that we are not working based on an editorial calendar.

Or a really effective one; a key element in achieving well-valued content for our audience in these times and that has the power to keep our audience interested and focused on our business and what we offer.

The editorial calendar is the key to keeping our audience interested and focused on our business and what we offer.

Of course, to lay foundations, we must be clear that an editorial calendar is not the same as a content marketing strategy, but there is a relationship between them, and I will explain it later.

From Xplora we have maintenance plans and web positioning that include content marketing campaigns and the design of an editorial calendar. So raise your voice if you need us.

There are many strategies that we apply to give an effective treatment to the contents of a company, and below I show you how to make your content shine by leaning on an editorial calendar that is perfect!

What Is The Editorial Calendar In Content Marketing?


The editorial calendar is the best bet for success for any company that manages a Blog or is active on different social platforms. In summary, we could say that it is a guide on what type of content, and in what order, it will be published.

The editorial calendar is a tool to know what, how and when we are going to publish content on our Blog or social network.

The editorial calendar serves to organize, in a strategic way, all the content that we will upload to the Blog in a certain time, or even on social networks. It is a key tool to know what, how and when we are going to publish the content we create.

But that there is to create and plan the contents so that our audience feels connected to our company and is interested in the content that we publish. For all this we urgently need an editorial calendar!

What Elements Should The Content Marketing Plan Contain?

There are several elements that we must include a really effective content marketing plan, and yes, the editorial calendar is one of these. In fact, it is the beginning of everything.

Because to know what actions to take in our content marketing strategy and how to distribute publications, you must first know what is going to be published and in what order.

In summary, the main pieces of a content marketing plan are:

Editorial Calendar

The editorial calendar is the base and guide to stay true to all the strategies that we have planned in our content marketing.

In short, it is a reminder that will prevent us from going off the beaten path and in which we can include a follow-up section to evaluate the results and performance of each publication that we launch.

Distribution Plan

It is the plan to promote and give visibility to our content on the Internet. In this document we include the ways in which we will do so, which depend on the type of audience we want to reach and how our target audience operates.

Is our largest audience on Facebook? On Twitter? There are strategies that work very well for a specific social network, but perhaps not in the others, since each platform is different, and we must consider this in our distribution plan!

Publication Frequency

Users value the continuity and frequency with which we publish on your Blog, as this gives them confidence and lets them know that we are committed to them.

It doesn’t matter how good our content is; If we are not frequent and constant to publish them, they will not be efficient.

Analysis Plan

It’s not just about creating great content and distributing it in the most engaging way possible, it’s about evaluating its performance.

Our content marketing strategy must consider an analysis plan where we measure in detail how efficient our publications are and with what type of content, and under what means, they achieve greater results.

With this information, not only will we be able to improve and gain traffic, but we will also know how to target just where our audience expects us to target.

Why Do You Need An Editorial Calendar As Soon As Possible?

As you should already know, because I have repeated it in several articles, already for a while, internet search engines, and Google in its head, prioritize the user experience when determining which web pages to put them in the first place.

What does this have to do with the editorial calendar? Well, very simple!

By having an editorial calendar we will have greater planning and control to design and create our content.

In this way, these contents will be of higher quality, while we will be more frequent and constant in our publications, two key elements to offer a fantastic experience to the user of our website.

What Are The Benefits of The Editorial Calendar?

Competition on the Internet is so aggressive that we cannot sit still watching it while our main competitors devour opportunities.

With an editorial calendar we will have time to investigate what topics our public wants us to talk about and through which channels they prefer to read and view our content.

In addition, we can take full advantage of those specific moments where certain content is more easily viralized, for example because they are the subject of the moment, the famous “trending topic “.

What Is Included In An Editorial Calendar?

In the case of an editorial calendar, it is an easy question to answer, although for many it can be somewhat confusing. The information that we must include within an editorial calendar is all that makes the work more organized and easy, such as:

  • Possible titles for the post, topics to discuss and the structure of the content we want to create for the different publications. The latter will shorten our work tremendously!
  • Keywords for each publication we are going to make.
  • The resources or sources that we will rely on for each content such as links, graphics and quotes etc.
  • Channels in which each content will be distributed, such as social networks, Blog or other platforms.
  • Links to the channels where each content will be published.
  • In case you have guest posts, the guest’s contact information or their website address.
  • Assignment of each content to the selected writer or editor.

Conclusion: The Editorial Calendar Is The Key In Your Content Marketing

Creating an editorial calendar is difficult, it is very lazy, but we must bear in mind that, thanks to this planning, we will no longer need reminders or last minute planning to execute our marketing strategy. We simply must remember the strategy to implement.

An editorial calendar gives us many benefits and this is why I insist that we create one as soon as possible and compare the results achieved, we will notice that we improve our traffic, and we are right in the interests of our audience!

If we want our content marketing strategy to be successful, you must give value to the editorial calendar, and be astute with the information we include in it.