March 3, 2025
How to capture Baby’s Foot and Handprint

If you have once raised a little, definitely know how quickly they can grow. Baby’s pretty little toes and fingers grow huge muddy hands and footprints around fine white walls. Inkless Baby footprint kits allow capturing the little one’s impression or handprint while still at an adorable and little stage.

Footprints kits will also let you take a child’s print on a whiteboard or paper and keep it in a record book to design your keepsake frame or box in a beautiful from made of silver. Follow the following information that will assist you in capturing the baby’s hand and footprint:

Options of Baby footprint kit

Options of Baby footprint kits are currently available, and they are safe to use on your kids’ foot or hand then you press on canvas, or clean white card. You can as well buy a special kids wipes for wiping the messes that that comes after painting baby foot or hand print. It’s all contained in a clever wipes.

inkless baby footprint kit

Printing on ceramics and pottety

You can also use ceramics and pottery to place the marks of baby’s foot or handprint. You can use pottety pottery café where they will assist you to take handprint or have several ceramics options. You can also order un-glazed pottery and take handprint on the cerramic with pottery under send back and glaze to professional studio glazing.

Scanning baby’s hand and foot onto a mug

Scanning baby’s hand or foot option involves a ceramic handprints whereby you take child’s baby hand and use ink and paint them then scan on a mug using virtual sublugation techniques.

Using Inkless handprint options

Inkless baby foot or handprint option is usually used in many hopitals to capture babys handprint when they’ have just been born. Inkless handprint technology means ink; no paint or ink is being used. Inkless footprint options allow the guidance to use an inkless wipe to wipe the baby’s foot and hands. The wipe is always spotlessly clean, that you can hardly see anything.

Baby’s footprint and handprint jewelry

Baby’s foot and handprint jewelry is another option for marking a baby’s prints. You can either use an inkless footprint or a painted handprint kit, currently comfortably miniaturizing a baby’s handprint, which will be captured forever on lovely silver jewelry. Please browse here on the official site that discusses child and parenting to see there may other options left to try.


The inkless baby footprint kit option is the best you can get from this website if you search for the ideal way of capturing a baby’s feet. Check out more information from different websites that offer more options for marking a baby’s hand or feet.