January 30, 2025
All You Need to know About Myopia

Today, more and more parents are wondering about the causes of rapid myopia in children. It is an understandable question. It is widespread to see children wearing glasses or storing contact lens solutions in a desk drawer, and in many cases, their nearsightedness rapidly increases. My Kids Vision will help you know the causes and also help you treat myopia.

Let’s face the facts first. Myopia, known as myopia or nearsightedness, is a common eye disease. This condition occurs when the eyeball is elongated. Myopia is often accompanied by eyestrain, fatigue, and headaches when you focus on something more than a few feet away.

Types of myopia

A dangerous form of myopia is degenerative myopia, also called pathological myopia. When people talk about rapid myopia, they often refer to pathological myopia, although a rapid increase does not necessarily mean that this particular form of myopia causes it. However, degenerative myopia worsens over time and can lead to blindness. It is usually a genetic condition that develops in adolescence (around twelve years of age).

Causes of myopia

So if you want to know the causes of rapid myopia in children, you are probably considering genetics. Genetics plays an important role in myopia. Chances are, if one of your parents is short-sighted, then you too. And if both parents are short-sighted, there is a better chance that you will be.

However, genetics is not the only cause of myopia. In today’s society, children spend a lot of time indoors doing activities like watching TV, playing video games, or looking at a computer screen. A recent study indicates that children who spend more time outdoors are less nearsighted or do not experience rapid myopia as much as those who spend more time indoors.

My Kids Vision

All this is easy to explain. When you spend a lot of time focusing on things at close range, your eyes begin to compensate by lengthening, and so, you don’t have to work as hard. Incidentally, it’s not just electronic devices that can cause myopia. Anytime you focus on something close for an extended period of time, your eyeballs can become affected. Playing with small things, such as building models, for example, can increase myopia.

How to stop myopia

Now you know what causes rapid myopia in children. My Kids Vision can help you stop it. Since genetics is often a cause and possibly the main cause, some of them are out of your control. However, there are lifestyle changes you can make that will help prevent myopia from progressing too quickly and keep your eyes as healthy as possible.

some advice

When your child is focused on something close, such as a computer screen, tell him to take regular breaks to rest his eyes a little. It is also important for your child to spend more time outdoors. This will improve general fitness and is beneficial for nearsighted eyes. You can try doing some eye exercises. Contrary to what some will tell you, they cannot correct myopia, but eye exercises can help your eye muscles stay active.