March 4, 2025

Obesity has always been a health problem to many people. It is defined as the state of excessive fat accumulation in the body wherein the gained weight of a person surpasses the healthy weightwhich corresponds to a given height.The normalcy or irregularity of a person’s weight can be measured using Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI measures the body fat for both men and women that is based on the ratio of the weight to the height. It is calculated by dividing the weight in kilograms by the square of the height in meters (kg/m2).

BMI in a person.

For a person to be considered healthy, its BMI must be within 18.5-25. An underweight person has a BMI less than 18.5 while the overweight falls within 25-30 range. Obesity or overweight person has a BMI greater than 30. According to WHO, world obesity has tripled since 1975and recently its morbidity rate reached epidemic proportions with 2.8 million people dying annually. Based on statistics last 2018 to 2019, Australia has around 12.5 million overweight and obese adults that is 67% with ages above 18 years old. This long-term health problem can bemitigated by eating healthful organic foods and incorporating exercises in the daily routine to maintain physical fitness.

Physical fitness defined.

Physical fitness is defined by experts as a person’s ability to perform routine tasks at optimum level with strength and endurance that aids in managing stress, lessening fatigue, and reducing inactiveness which are keys to mitigate diseases like obesity and other related illnesses.Physical fitnesshas 5 major components namely cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, and flexibility. Each of this exercise has corresponding skill and equipmentneeded to target the cardiovascular and muscle tissues for overall health maintenance.

Cardiorespiratory endurance requires agility exercises to improve the function of the heart and lungs in delivering oxygenated blood all over the body necessary for prolonged performance.

Muscular strength and endurance involve weightlifting accompanied with speed and reaction timeto build upthe target muscle and enhance the stamina.

Body composition involves balance and coordination-related exercisesthat can maintain the body weight while altering the amount of body fat, lean tissue, and fluid an individual has.

Flexibility requires exercises that involves range of smooth movements across the joints. These exercises can be done in the gym or at home.

According to Reebok Fitness Australia, it is preferable to use the right equipment for each exercise to achieve full mobility and optimum performanceto efficiently target the muscles such as exercise bikes, cross trainers, and treadmills which are fitted for cardiorespiratory endurance or aerobic exercises to burn fats. Benches, rowing machines, and racks whichaidin muscle toning. Lastly, yoga mats for flexibility exercises. It is also advisable to use other gym accessories like gloves and training apparel to protect the body from possible injuries.