March 3, 2025

A hernia is defined as the protrusion of an organ through a muscle or a structure that generally contains it. Such a condition usually takes place in the abdominal wall when the intestine in the body is known to pass via a weak spot that is present therein. The most common form of abdominal wall hernia is known to be an inguinal hernia.

An inguinal hernia, according to the FDA, is considered to account for more or about 8 lakhs of the total hernia repair surgeries done on an annual basis in the United States. Considering gender and hernia, men tend to be 10 times more likely to develop this type of hernia when compared to women. The risk associated with hernia tends to rise with rising age, it commonly occurs to people belonging from the age group of 75-80 years.

types of hernia surgery

Various options for hernia surgery

Symptoms associated with hiatal hernia can most often be treated with the help of proper medication, but when talking about the other types of hernia surgery, they tend to need a surgical repair which might not be on an immediate basis.

The two primary options of hernia surgery are:

  • Open hernia surgery

A surgeon in this type of surgery cuts to locate and repair the hernia present on the patient. Succeeding to its repair, he makes use of stitches or couple them up with a piece of mesh for closing the cut made on the abdominal wall. The mesh is designed in such a way that it strengthens the abdominal wall and associated weak area wherein the hernia primarily occurred.

  • Laparoscopic hernia surgery

A surgeon on this type of surgery makes some small cuts on the lower abdomen of the patient and then inserts a special tool to repair and view the present hernia. The surgeon typically uses a piece of mesh to strengthen and close the abdominal wall. Various surgeons choose robotic repair. In such a case, a surgeon sits in front of a console and controls a robotic arm that does the surgery.

How soon can a person resume normal activities after hernia surgery? 

A surgeon provides his patient with a particular plan but might be unable to present him with the exact time frame before the surgery. A doctor generally fails to diagnose the severity of the presence of a hernia until they successfully perform the surgery.


The procedure of hernia is usually an outpatient surgery. The sooner a person starts moving further, the better it is considered. The movement assists in the prevention of blood clots and constipation. All you need to consider with respect to various types of hernia surgery is adherence to the instructions provided to you by the doctor.